July 19th
July 10th-July 19th, Chi-De Children Home
The children are very open to the volunteers and interact with us like with older siblings or friends, but also respectfully pay attention to our lessons.
We have performed dances with them and played sports, taught aerobics and English. They use more English now while talking to the foreign volunteers and the older children are talkative around the volunteers. Today, for instance, they very actively participated in the lesson about jobs and occupations.
The home organized a trip to the beach and even though it rained, the children were happy and orderly. They were more free than at home, but the older ones helped take care of the small ones just like at home. We bonded on the bus and the trip to the aquarium. They were fascinated by the aquarium's exhibit. Again, they wanted to absorb knowledge.
The contact books are our way to communicate in a one-on-one way with each individual. We have prepared them for each child and every night they write down something they liked, disliked, and have learned today and something they want to tell any of the volunteers. The children are eager to write in the books and they receive answers from the volunteers in them as well.
We have noticed that the children easily formed groups and are working creatively on the final project, which they will present at the end of the program. They quickly came up with ideas for their performances and started practicing already.