信望愛一班, 2008/07/04
Name of Children’s Home: Faith-Hope-Love Children’s Home
volunteers: all
(1)Time: 2008/07/04 10:00-11:00
Activity: Meeting with the principal of children’s home
Description: To discuss the schedule and the details with the faculty
Remark/Suggestion: Principal have aware us not to get too closely to children in person. The best way is to act in groups.
(2)Time: 2008/07/04 11:00-12:00
Activity: Introduction of yourself All volunteers
Description: Introduce everyone’s name to those children
Remark/Suggestion: Children cannot catch what we will do in the future. And, volunteers, even close to them, should keep the distance and set some rules in getting along with them.
(3)Time: 2008/07/04 15:00-15:30
Activity: Ice-breaking
Description: To have children and volunteers familiar with each other.
Remark/Suggestion: Because of language gap, children have problem in communication with foreign volunteers. However, they can talk with us in body language and some facial expression.
(4)Time: 2008/07/04 15:30-16:00
Activity: Bingo-bingo
Person in charge: Jessie
Deacription: Write names on the paper according to the character and then play bingo.
Remark/Suggestion: Children devoted themselves to this game and had a happy time.