Journey to a Children's Home
It was 4:00 pm on Saturday, March 31st, 2007 when the bus with student volunteers from National Chengchi University arrived at Taiwan Christian Faith Hope and Love Children’s Home in Ping-tung. I was very excited to meet the children and nervous at the same time.
My name is Daniel Park. I am a third year business student majoring in accounting and marketing in Simon Fraser University in Canada, and I am an exchange student to National Chengchi University in spring 2007. I didn't actually know about ‘Warm-up for 2007 Gap Summer World better Volunteer Service’ until three days before the registration deadline. One of the other exchange students told me about this program and suggested that I should participate. Initially, I couldn't decide because I already had my own busy plans for spring break. I saw a post later that day describing this activity as below.
It’s you, who brings difference perspectives to them.
It’s you, who makes them embrace their dream.
It’s them, who touches your heart.
It’s them, who make it an awesome experience.’
I do not know why. Somehow, this paragraph and the children's photo on the post kept coming back to my mind. As a result, I submitted my application to children’s home the day before the registration deadline.
We, student volunteers, visited two very similar and yet different children’s homes. One was located in Ping-tung city. Another one was located in Kao-hsiung city.
After we arrived at children’s home in Ping-tung city, we had a dinner with the children. During the dinner, we introduced each other and asked each other’s interests. After we were done our dinner, we arranged all of desks and chairs and started a program prepared by Group A. (We divided into two groups; group A and B) Group A prepared a couple of games, including musical chairs. Both we and children jumped and slipped during the activity. I could read children’s happiness from their face. After the activity, some of us had a chance to hear songs from one of the junior-high school students in children’s home. The student actually composes the songs. It impressed me a lot. Furthermore, the student added that he has never learned from somebody else how to play a guitar and how to compose, and he acquired that knowledge by himself. Although he is good enough, I felt he could be much better if there is someone who can lead him playing a guitar and composing a song into a deeper level.
Leaving behind good memories in Ping-tung city, we headed for the other children’s home in Kao-hsiung city the next day. As soon as we arrived, we started our activities first by learning how to make bracelets with teachers and children in children’s home. After the dinner, group B leaded an activity. Group B brought a number of water balloons to play with children. As a result, some of us and children totally got wet, but still every one of us had a big smile on our face. After the activity, we continued our activity at a church in children’s home, and we worshiped and spent time together.
